Saturday 25 June 2016

Putting Things Back into Perspective

I know I just wrote a post but I had the inspiration to write another when I found out about dear family friends back at home.

I'll try to keep this story as short as possible but here we go...

There was a couple who was happily married and had one boy and the mother was pregnant with their second, a little girl. When the mother went into labor her husband fell seriously ill and passed away leaving a mother of one toddler and one newborn to tackle the world. This lady was an amazing mother, she did everything and more for her children. Unfortunately she had a battle with breast cancer that she beat... the first time around. The relapse was worse and ended up affecting her brain. Through this all she was still doing everything she could with her children, along with the help of her sister. This relapse was too much for this strong, beautiful mother and she passed away leaving her sister and two children.

Through all of this, this family was one of the most positive people I've met. Forever fuelling me and reminding me to keep strong through the tough stuff. And when I thought I couldn't learn anymore from them I found out this lovely, young, happy boy is starting to exhibit symptoms of ALS.

When I got the text from my mom asking if I knew good hospitals for ALS or ALS research my heart sank and everything started falling into perspective.

Here I am complaining how tired I am, how much work I need to do and an exam grade I was not too happy about... and you have this family, who has been through more than I could ever imagine - going through day by day staying stronger than ever.

Although my heart is a little heavier my drive and perseverance has grown stronger.

I ended my last post telling you to remember why you're doing this... well here is part of my reason, and I won't stop until I succeed.


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