Tuesday 10 May 2016

2X - Let's Do This!

Hi friends!

I'm writing to you after my second day of classes and after being on the island for roughly a week. We've had our introduction into our second semester and I'm looking forward to it. I've been told it's a very heavy physiology semester (not my strongest subject) so I know I'm going to have to work hard to do well this semester. We do a lot more clinical skills classes this semester which I am very excited for because it makes all of the hard days in the library seem worth it.

As much as being in the big city with all of my Starbucks cravings satisfied I found myself missing this island I've come to call home.

This is what I found myself missing on a daily basis:

1. The climate

  • Toronto was a little too chilly for my liking. I keep on saying I'm a pretty horrible Canadian when it comes to accepting winter - I've learned it's worse after I've been living in a warm climate for four months.
2. The ocean
  • I love the water, the beach, swimming, laying by the water... I could go on for ages. I'm fortunate enough to live right by the ocean so I get the lull of the waves putting me to sleep after a long day at school. My first night at home I was so exhausted but I found I could not fall asleep because it was SO QUIET! I lost my ocean sleep maker. 
3. The locals
  • Even after one semester on the island you get to meet and love the lovely people of Dominica. They're always so happy and friendly - again comparing to the people of Toronto who are always in a hurry and very busy. I have to admit I was guilty of sitting at home telling my parents that I missed all of my island family
4. The routine
  • As much as 14 hour days is long and painful I honestly missed them. At home I found I had no schedule and was running around trying to get everything done and trying to see everyone as quickly as possible before I came back to Dominica. 
5. My Island Family
  • Not only the locals of Dominica I missed my friends. Even though we spend all day with one another I have grown to love them like I do my own family. I've said time and time again I know I wouldn't have made it through first semester without them and I can't wait to go through the rest of my semesters with them by my side.

Talk soon,


My last Starbucks :(

On my way to St. Maarten

First day back



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