Wednesday, 23 January 2019

MS3 Core Study Resources

Hi friends!

LONG TIME NO BLOG!!! I'm so sorry I've been so incredibly busy at the hospital and studying plus I haven't really known what I could even blog about for you guys (suggestions are open).

But considering I'm on my LAST CORE ROTATION OF THIRD YEAR... where has the time gone?!

I thought I'd compile what I used to study for each core. Now this is what worked for me and how I study best (visual learning and lots of repetition).

I used Online Med Ed across the board for all of my cores. I found it isn't as detailed as what NBME's are but it is an amazing summary of topics so I'd try to watch those videos in the first week to get a good foundation for my core.

UTILIZE THE NBME's!!!! Those were great learning resources. Again I used those for every core - I'd spread them out throughout the core and take a day going through the questions afterward.

Family Med: Case Files, Online Med Ed and NBME

Peds: UWorld, Online Med Ed and NBME

Psych: Online Med Ed, UWorld, First Aid for Psychiatry and NBME

OBGYN: Online Med Ed, UWorld, Case Files(while I was on the floor on 24's I'd go through the cases), NBME

Surgery: Online Med Ed, Pestanas, NBME, UWorld(Surgery, GI, Cardio, Renal, Rheum)

Internal (Currently): I'm trying to make myself go through one organ system a week using Online Med Ed, UWorld, and Step Up to Medicine + NBME's

Apps I've Used:

  • UWorld
  • Epocrates: pharm app
  • BMI calculator
  • UpToDate
  • AHRQ ePSS: screening tools depending on patient age, gender and smoking status
  • MDCalc: various scores or screening tools
  • Bilibaby: especially for NICU
  • ABFMExamPrep: Family med questions
  • VaccineSchedule
  • Aquifer Cases

If there's anything else you want me to write about please let me know!



  1. Home medical equipment is a category of devices used for patients whose care is being managed from a home or other private facility managed by a nonprofessional caregiver or family member. ... DME: Durable Medical Equipment. HME: Home Medical Equipment.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Hi!
    Iam also a medical student and usually I do my studies online with the help of Sqadia. If anybody wants to grab the knowledge related to medical studies then trust me this website is amazing for med students.
